Monday, August 1, 2016

Two Years Ago Today..

My grandmother passed away. I guess I was supposed to be sad, she raised me and all that, but she was a miserable woman. She was a energy vampire that sucked all happiness and anything good out of people. She has been haunting my dreams for about 5 days or so. I can't wake myself from these dreams and I can feel the anger she has. I refuse to talk to her or acknowledge her. She never had a kind word to say, so I dread when she would even say to me. She once told my friend that getting married and having another kid was the worst thing I could've done with my life. That's just a glimpse of the person she was in life. When my grandfather passed away, it was awful. He was a good guy and his funeral was HUGE. People who loved him showed up. At my grandmother's funeral, it was just blah looking. Plain casket, barely any flowers, or even people that knew her. I made it my mission to not have a funeral like hers. I want people who genuinely love me to show up. Not to sound morbid, but I also hope a ton of people show up as well. LOL (I actually want to be cremated and my kids get to do as they wish with my ashes. I know they will do me proud.) Anyways, my grandmother is as unhappy in death as she was in life. I don't understand the hatred some people still hold onto in death. Hopefully she will now leave me alone and pester my addict brother. (Another story.) Thanks for reading my ramblings. TTFN, Justine

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