Saturday, August 6, 2016

So Far..

I am on my forth day of work and actually have to head out I love my job, it's super fun and easy and work with a fellow pirate from my friends crew, so that's cool. Managers already like me, so that's even more I finally feel like Saint Augustine is home to me. I loved Colorado and my friends at King Soopers, but this is different and Collin is coming to visit Labor Day weekend!! On another note, I can honestly say that I don't want a serious relationship any time soon. Maybe date someone or whatever, but nothing serious. I know we can't help help how our hearts are and who and how we fall in love, but for now, I am not looking for love at all. However, I am looking for I had fun last night with my friends pirate crew. He was celebrating his 40th birthday and there were maybe 30 of us or so and Did you know kids behave when pirates are sitting near by?? lol THe crew does a lot of charity work and scaring kids is all in the fun and the kids enjoy it as well. I am looking forward to dressing up as a steampunk pirate wench. lol Anyways, thank you to who ever is reading my TTFN, Justine

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