Monday, July 11, 2016


We all have dreams. Mine is to one day have my own bakery or food truck. My youngest wants to be a paleontologist, so we all have dreams. When we sleep, we dream. We may dream we are flying, being chased by something or someone, or it could be a silly dream about Smurfs. Yes, I had a dream I was a Smurf when I was younger. LOL There are also nightmares and I've had a bunch of those since being back in Florida. I can't explain why and I can usually control my dreams and force myself to wake up, but not with these nightmares. They wont let me and it terrifies and also fascinates me as well. My family also has premonition dreams. Me, my sister, my youngest, and even my grandmother use to have these dreams. We dreamed about our old house in Ohio getting broken into and also dreamed about our house getting set on fire. I personally dreamed about a co workers son passing away when I worked at Tony Roma's. What we have is a blessing and at times a curse at times. It's nice to be able to see something before it happens, but you don't know when or how and you really have a hard time talking to anyone about what happened. I was never able to explain anything to my ex husband, he wasn't a believer in anything. My grandmother just wouldn't listen, but my sister understood. With the way my family tree runs, I was curious if my sons would dream like me. My oldest, not so much, thanks to my grandmother. But, my youngest..he's got the gift like me. It still freaks him out and me too, but it's supposed to, well I think it's supposed to. I don't sleep as well as I use to, I don't know why. I've battled insomnia most my adult and teen life. There aren't too many old horror movies I haven't seen or other movies. When I do sleep, I remember my dreams and I don't want to go back to sleep. Sometimes they're good dreams and then I have my nightmares I can't wake myself up from, those are the ones that frighten me and then I'm awake. Thanks for reading my ramblings. LOL TTFN, Justine

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